Saturday, December 1, 2012


                   Microstrip Patch Antenna

Properties of a Basic Microstrip Patch:

A microstrip or patch antenna is a low profile antenna that has a number of advantages over other antennas it is lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to integrate with accompanying electronics. While the antenna can be 3D in structure (wrapped around an object, for example), the elements are usually flat; hence their other name, planar antennas. Note that a planar antenna is not always a patch antenna.

The electric field is zero at the center of the patch, maximum (positive) at one side, and minimum (negative) on the opposite side. It should be mentioned that the minimum and maximum continuously change side according to the instantaneous phase of the applied signal.
The electric field does not stop abruptly at the patch's periphery as in a cavity; rather, the fields extend the outer periphery to some degree. These field extensions are known as fringing fields and cause the patch to radiate. Some popular analytic modelling techniques for patch antennas are based on this leaky cavity concept. Therefore, the fundamental mode of a rectangular patch is often denoted using cavity theory as the TM10 mode.
Since this notation frequently causes confusion, we will briefly explain it. TM stands for transversal magnetic field distribution. This means that only three field components are considered instead of six. The field components of interest are: the electric field in the z direction, and the magnetic field components in x and y direction using a Cartesian coordinate system, where the x and y axes are parallel with the ground plane and the z-axis is perpendicular.
In general, the modes are designated as TMnmz. The z value is mostly omitted since the electric field variation is considered negligible in the z-axis.Hence TMnm remains with n and m the field variations in x and y direction. The field variation in the y direction (impedance width direction) is negligible; thus m is 0. And the field has one minimum to maximum variation in the x direction (resonance length direction); thus n is 1 in the case of the fundamental. Hence the notation TM10.

Fundamental Specifications of Patch Antennas:

Radiation Pattern

The patch's radiation at the fringing fields results in a certain far field radiation pattern. This radiation pattern shows that the antenna radiates more power in a certain direction than another direction. The antenna is said to have certain directivity. This is commonly expressed in dB.
An estimation of the expected directivity of a patch can be derived with ease. The fringing fields at the radiating edges can be viewed as two radiating slots placed above a ground plane. Assuming all radiation occurs in one half of the hemisphere, this results in a 3 dB directivity.
This case is often described as a perfect front to back ratio; all radiation towards the front and no radiation towards the back. This front to back ratio is highly dependent on ground plane size and shape in practical cases. Another 3 dB can be added since there are 2 slots. The slots are typically taken to have a length equal to the impedance width (length according to the y-axis) of the patch and a width equal to the substrate height. Such a slot typically has a gain of about 2 to 3 dB (cfr.simple dipole). This results in a total gain of 8 to 9 dB. The rectangular patch excited in its fundamental mode has a maximum directivity in the direction perpendicular to the patch (broadside). The directivity decreases when moving away from broadside towards lower elevations. The 3 dB beamwidth (or angular width) is twice the angle with respect to the angle of the maximum directivity, where this directivity has rolled off 3 dB with respect to the maximum directivity.

Antenna Gain

Antenna gain is defined as antenna directivity times a factor representing the radiation efficiency. This efficiency is defined as the ratio of the radiated power (Pr) to the input power (Pi). The input power is transformed into radiated power and surface wave power while a small portion is dissipated due to conductor and dielectric losses of the materials used. Surface waves are guided waves captured within the substrate and partially radiated and reflected back at the substrate edges. Surface waves are more easily excited when materials with higher dielectric constants and/or thicker materials are used. Surface waves are not excited when air dielectric is used. Several techniques to prevent or eliminate surface waves exist, but this is beyond the scope of this article.
Antenna gain can also be specified using the total efficiency instead of the radiation efficiency only. This total efficiency is a combination of the radiation efficiency and efficiency linked to the impedance matching of the antenna.


The plane wherein the electric field varies is also known as the polarization plane. The basic patch covered until now is linearly polarized since the electric field only varies in one direction. This polarization can be either vertical or horizontal depending on the orientation of the patch. A transmit antenna needs a receiving antenna with the same polarization for optimum operation. The patch mentioned yields horizontal polarization, as shown. When the antenna is rotated 90°, the current flows in the vertical plane, and is then vertically polarized. A large number of applications, including satellite communication, have trouble with linear
polarization because the orientation of the antennas is variable or unknown. Luckily, there is another kind of polarization circular polarization. In a circular polarized antenna, the electric field varies in two orthogonal planes (x and y direction) with the same magnitude and a 90° phase difference. The result is the simultaneous excitation of two modes, i.e. the TM10 mode (mode in the x direction) and the TM01 (mode in the y direction). One of the modes is excited with a 90° phase delay with respect to the other mode. A circular polarized antenna can either be right hand circular polarized (RHCP) or lefthand circular polarized (LHCP). The antenna is RHCP when the phases are 0° and 90° for the antenna in the figure below when it radiates
towards the reader, and it is LHCP when the phases are 0° and 90°.

To have a better understanding and to learn more you can download these two files:

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